Our News

July 2, 2024
Teach A Child's 10th Fundraising Dinner Party - Parasol 2024

We are truly touched and immensely thankful for the amazing contributions and steadfast support from everyone during our fundraising ...

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April 17, 2024
IC students advocating the right to education

IC students Samuel, Karim, Anthony, Karma & Lilia took charge of their PYP project y introducing Teach A Child's mission, work, and lasting impact. These inspiring young leaders...

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March 19, 2024
Ramadan Open House

Our sincere Thank You goes to Jessica K and Antoine Karam House Linen for their beautiful Creations, and for their commitment, to (UN)COMMON by Stephanie Mecattaf x Fabrica D...

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December 7, 2023
Teach A Child X The Silly Spoon - Christmas Candle

Our collaboration with "The Silly Spoon" for our Christmas candle initiative was a resounding success, as all candles sold out during the event. We are immensely grateful to see the ...

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November 14, 2023
Teach A Child X Aquafina

A big Thank You to @Aquafinalebanon for its generous donation of 38 tablets to Teach A Child’s students this back to school s...

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Student Registration
September 25, 2023
School Visits 2023-2024

Visiting our students in private and public schools all over Lebanon. It is heartwarming to see the difference education is making in the lives of our ...

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July 18, 2023
Teach A Child's 9th Fundraising Dinner Party - IRIS 2023

We are overwhelmed with gratitude as we extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one for their incredible contributions and unwavering support during our come-back fundraising event. Your ...

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Student Registration
September 20, 2022
School Visits 2022-2023

Visiting our students in different schools all over the Lebanese regions. It is heartwarming to see how happy our students are, welcoming a school year full of growth and dreams.

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July 28, 2022
Teach A Child's "Hike & Brunch"

We would like to extend our appreciation for everyone who participated in our hike and brunch event, making it a truly fulfilling experience. Thank you all for choosing to support education and ...

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March 13, 2022
Horizon FCB Dubai X Teach A Child

Horizon FCB Dubai, in partnership with Teach A Child, creates a media blackout by playing on the "Unavailable Screens" that are familiar in Lebanon to raise awareness about the lack of access to...

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January 31, 2022
Teach A Child X BIC

In light of the Global Education Week, Teach A Child received a kind donation from BIC, featuring the daily essential stationery items required by students of all levels. Teach A Child's Team...

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January 1, 2022
"Party for Education" Event by Capitole for Teach a Child 2022

Teach A Child thanks Capitole by Analogue and AZIZA for their outstanding support for Education.

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Thank you
December 2, 2021
Al Amlieh School Says Thank You

The chairman, vice chairman, board member, and principal of Al Amlieh School presented Teach A Child with a plaque as a token of appreciation for their collaboration.

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November 18, 2021
World of Waves X Teach A Child

World of Waves partners with Teach A Child to bridge the cryptocurrency world and charity, bringing blockchain technology and charitable causes closer together to preserve the world for future...

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November 10, 2021
Teach A Child at the Beirut Marathon's "Run For Hope!" event

Teach A Child was selected with 7 other fellow NGOs to participate in the Beirut Marathon Association's biggest come back event for the year 2021 entitled "United We Run for Hope"! Teach A Child is...

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Student Registration
September 9, 2021
School Visits 2021-2022

Visiting our students in different schools all over the Lebanese territories. It is heartwarming to see our students at school developing the skills to empower them for a brighter future!

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May 16, 2021
A Donation in Kind!

A big thank you from the heart! Grateful for this donation in kind, 681 Spinneys Coupons were distributed to all families of Teach A Child's 1,204 supported students.

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April 9, 2021
Teach A Child X Basecamp Tablets Distribution

Basecamp offered 20 Tablets to Teach A Child's current students who lost their homes in the blast. These tablets will certainly help our students better follow during distant learning, research and...

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April 8, 2021
Teach A Child X Basecamp Enrolling 30 students in Tripoli area

Teach A Child will take on 30 new students in the Mina-Tripoli area for the next academic year. These students will be enrolled in private schools in Tripoli. Tuition fees will be covered by...

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March 31, 2021
Teach A Child at Ecole Zahret Al Ihsan

Teach A Child covers the tuition fees of excelling student Alexandra at Zahret Al Ihsan when struggling parents can no longer afford her schooling payments for the year 2020-2021. Teach A Child...

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March 29, 2021
Teach A Child X Ajialouna

Teach A Child donated collected vintage luxury items such as bags, clothes and accessories to a fellow NGO Ajialouna to spread joy in the hearts of underprivileged families during this season...

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February 15, 2021
Financial Aid for food and medicine

300,000 LBP, cash, are being distributed to all 681 families of Teach A Child throughout Lebanon to help them survive during the pandemic and lockdown.

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December 24, 2020
Vintage for Education - ABC

Teach A Child sold luxury items online; all proceeds went towards Teach A Child's students education.

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September 15, 2020
UPS emergency lights distribution

UPS emergency lights, gas heaters and gas cylinders were distributed by Teach A Child through UNIGAZ to the 50 families who suffered from the blast using special relief funds.

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Student Registration
September 15, 2020
Registration of 1204 students for the school year 2020-2021

All 1204 Teach A Child students were registered in schools, vocational institutions and universities all over Lebanon with the distribution of books, uniforms and stationery.

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August 28, 2020
TV screens distribution

TV screens were donated & distributed by Teach A Child to the 50 families who suffered from the blast.

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August 27, 2020
Concord Ovens and Fridges Distribution

Concord ovens and fridges were donated & distributed by Teach A Child to the 50 families who suffered from the blast.

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August 10, 2020
Post August Blast - Relief for 50 families living in the disaster area

The homes of the 50 Teach A Child families living in the disaster area were rebuilt and fixed with funds specially donated for post-explosion relief.

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May 8, 2020
Exceptional Campaign For Essentials

Mission Accomplished! We have delivered 150,000LBP COOP vouchers for each and every family of our 1,333 underprivileged students, all over Lebanon. Thank you!

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April 27, 2020
Exceptional Campaign For Essentials

With your generosity, 200,000 LBP , cash, were distributed to all 700 families of Teach A Child throughout Lebanon following a special campaign to support the impoverished families during lockdown.

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December 1, 2019
Teach A Child X Nada Debs

Craft and Compassion come together with the arrangement of embossed leather pieces that create a colorful backdrop for every day servings. Inspired by Teach A Child's support to children's...

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Student Registration
September 23, 2019
School Visits 2019-2020

Visiting our students. It is wonderful seeing them grow and given the opportunity to learn & succeed!

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August 8, 2019
"Party for Education" Event at Capitole - Summer 2019

Teach A Child hosted its "Party for Education" event at Capitole. Teach A Child thanks everyone who participated in making this night a delightful and memorable one!

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June 20, 2019
Teach A Child's 8th Fundraising Dinner - Sursock Gardens 2019

A big warm Thank You from the heart, to all the kind participants supporting Teach A Child's cause! Your continuous support turned our yearly fundraising event into a great success!

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January 1, 2019
Teach A Child at the NGO Fair - AUB

To spread awareness, Teach A Child, represented by its "Head of the Awareness Committee" , Mrs. Zaina Souaid, participated in the NGO fair event held at AUB.

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October 10, 2018
Beirut Marathon 2018

Run for a cause! Teach A Child running for Education at the Beirut Marathon event.

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Student Registration
September 23, 2018
School Visits 2018-2019

Visiting our students. It is wonderful seeing them grow and given the opportunity to learn & succeed!

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August 8, 2018
MUBS Students at Teach A Child

In a spirit of cooperation with educational institutions in Lebanon and abroad, Teach A Child welcomed three MUBS students from the department of Public Health for one week.

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June 25, 2018
Teach A Child's 7th Fundraising Dinner - Sursock Gardens 2018

Teach A Child is growing day by day thanks to your generous contributions. Together, we pave the road to a brighter future.

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June 6, 2018
Teach A Child at the Collège Protestant Français

Together we make a difference! Youth awareness activity at the Collège Protestant Français.

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October 2, 2017
Party Under the Stars - Iris Rooftop

Thanks to your heavy participation, Teach A Child's "Party Under the Stars" at Iris Rooftop was a great success! Thank you for believing in our cause and for being the HERO every child deserves!

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Student Registration
September 23, 2017
School Visits 2017-2018

Teach A Child members visiting their students different schools all over Lebanon.

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September 8, 2017
Art for Education - Tom Young Exhibition

Founded by a group of ladies strongly believing in the children's right to Education, Teach A Child fights for a brighter future. Knowing that a child's education in official Lebanese schools costs...

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Thank you
May 5, 2017
Teach A Child with Romero Britto

Painting hope and happiness!

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April 6, 2017
Teach A Child's 6th Annual Fundraising Dinner - D Beirut 2017

Teach A Child's 6th annual fundraising dinner gathered more than 500 guests including supporters, friends and engaged members of the society on April 6 at D Beirut.

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January 1, 2017
Teach A Child at the Collège Protestant Français

Teach A Child's executive members, Mrs. Maya Es-Said and Mrs. Zaina Souaid spreading "Youth Awareness" at the Forum de Solidarité.

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October 10, 2016
Blom Beirut Marathon 2016

Running for a cause ... Running for Education! Thank you for your support and participation!

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Student Registration
September 23, 2016
School Visits 2016-2017

Teach A Child members visiting their students different schools all over Lebanon.

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April 14, 2016
Teach A Child's 5th Annual Fundraising Dinner - Biel 2016

Teach A Child held its annual fundraising dinner at Biel - Pavillon Royal. The event was a success thanks to the participation of over 500 supporters, friends and family.

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Thank you
January 1, 2016
Teach A Child's Students at Fransabank

Teach A Child's students at Fransabank during the Global Money week. Thank you Fransabank for conducting the workshop and teaching our students about money, banking and business.

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2015 News

Thank you
December 12, 2015
Le Mall Initiative for Teach A Child's Students

A big and warm Thank You from the heart to "Le Mall" for bringing joy into the lives of our underprivileged students during the festive season.

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October 10, 2015
BDL Beirut Marathon 2015

What a day! Great energy at the BDL Beirut Marathon. Thank you to all the 1,200 runners who ran for Education. A special recognition goes to Dar AlHandasa, Deloitte, CFC, TIME, MAK and all our support

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August 8, 2015
Collège Protestant Francais - Football Tournament

The 7th graders at the Collège Protestant Français organized a sports' tournament to raise funds for Teach A Child.

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June 6, 2015
Purple Capital Dinner for Teach A Child in Monaco

As part of their CSR initiative, Purple Capital Group, its Chairman and CEO, Mr. Rida Lababidi and Mrs. Lara Farra Lababidi, held a fundraising dinner for Teach A Child. The event at the Yacht Club...

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May 29, 2015
Teach A Child's 4th Annual Fundraising Dinner - St. Georges Yacht Club 2015

Teach A Child held its 4th fundraising dinner at Saint Georges Yacht Club, "Dinner under the stars". The event was attended by over 500 supporters who believe in our mission and vision.

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February 20, 2015
Teach A Child at Al Bustan Festival

From the bottom of our hearts, a big Thank you for everyone who participated in making our event a success.

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January 25, 2015
HSBC Donation

It is with great appreciation that we receive, for the 3rd consecutive year, the yearly donation from HSBC Bank. Teach A Child is greatful for the trust and support of HSBC and CEO Mr. Peter Yeates.

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Student Registration
September 9, 2014
School Visits 2014-2015

Teach A Child members visiting schools and enjoying the students' company.

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2014 News

October 10, 2014
BDL Beirut Marathon 2014

Teach A Child participating at BDL Beirut Marathon .... Run for a cause: "A Step closer to the finish line, is a step closer to their success"

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August 20, 2014
Meeting with H.E. Minister Derbas

Teach A Child representatives Zeina El Khalil, Ghada Atallah, Maha Makki and Tala Saad had a fruitful meeting today with H.E. Minister Rashid Derbas at the Ministry of Social Welfare. Minister...

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June 9, 2014
Teach A Child's 3rd Annual Fundraising Dinner - Saint Georges Yacht Club 2014

Teach A Child hosted their 3rd annual fundraising dinner at Saint Georges Yacht Club in Beirut.

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June 5, 2014
Meeting with HE Minister Bou Saab

Today, Teach A Child Zeina El Khalil, Hiba Nesr, Maya Essaud and tala Saad met with H.E. minister Elias Bou Saab at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The Educational law was discussed...

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May 31, 2014
Football Tournament at CPF

The 7th graders at College Protestant Francais organised a sports tournament to raise funds for Teach A Child. The experience created a natural bond between the students while they were preparing...

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May 4, 2014
Women's Marathon 2014

Teach A Child was present at the Women Marathon 2014. Runners were dancing while passing next to Teach A Child's Zumba cheering station.

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April 3, 2014
Youth Awareness at IC

IC students grade TES2 held a fundraising bake sale in benefit of Teach A Child. The money collected will go towards Teach A Child Fundraising Campaign 2014/2015 and used to educate studetns in...

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2013 News

November 10, 2013
Beirut Marathon 2013

Run for Education! More than 200 runners ran for Teach A Child at the 11th Beirut Marathon.

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Student Registration
September 23, 2013
School Visits 2013-2014

We are very busy visiting schools all over Lebanon. Teach A Child students are happy to be back and are ready to start the new year.

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April 24, 2013
Teach A Child's 2nd Annual Fundraising Dinner - Mandaloun Nightclub 2013

In a joyful atmosphere, Teach A Child held its 2nd fundraising event on Wednesday April 24th, 2013. Friends, family and supporters gathered at Mandaloun Club to renew their commitment to Teach A Child

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March 20, 2013
Youth Awareness Campaign - 2013

Our Youth Awarness campaign was lanuched again this year. Our aim is to engage students from private schools and universities. Their contribution, although mostly symbolic, will be supporting the...

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2012 News

Student Registration
October 15, 2012
School Visits 2012-2013

In 2012, with the generous support of those who believe in our mission, Teach A Child exceeded its target. We were able to enroll a total of 407 students, including the 105 returning students of...

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October 1, 2012
Teach A Child at Dunkin Donuts

Teach A Child boxes were placed in 23 Donkin Donuts divisions all over Lebanon. Supporters were able to give in donations of all sizes to our cause. thank you to Dunkin Donuts and to all those who...

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June 20, 2012
First Fundraising Event at Iris Beach, Damour

On June 20, 2012, Teach A Child held its first fundraising event at Iris Beach Club, Damour. In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, attendees enjoyed the food and lively music while learning more...

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June 20, 2012
Teach A Child's 1st Annual Fundraising Dinner - Iris Beach 2012

On June 20, 2012, Teach A Child held its 1st fundraising event at the Iris Beach Club, Damour. In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, attendees enjoyed the food and lively music while learning more...

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April 4, 2012
Teach A Child at the AUB Civic and Volunteering Fair 2012

Teach A Child participated in the "AUB Civic and Volunteering Fair 2012" alongside other NGOs. We were able to spread Teach A Child's vision and display our activities. We received great attention...

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April 4, 2012
Youth Awareness Campaign at SABIS

Generosity goes a long way at SABIS® International School - Adma. Mere children reaching out to help other children gain access to their wildest dreams through education inspires the community to...

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March 22, 2012
Youth Awareness Campaign at IC

Our Youth Fudraising Campaign continued at International College on March 22nd. Students came to school ready to engage and support our cause. They were very proud to "Donate and Help Educate" ...

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March 21, 2012
Youth Awareness Campaign at AUB

Our Youth Fundraising Campaign was launched at the American University of Beirut on Wednesday March 21st.

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March 21, 2012
Youth Awareness Campaign - 2012

Our youth fundraising campaign was launched at AUB on Wednesday, March 21st. We had an important participation from AUB students who were interested in learning about Teach A Child and their...

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January 23, 2012
Teach a Child at the Higher Council for Childhood

Mrs Zeina El Khalil, with Mrs Lina Assaf and Mrs Ghada Abou Alwan Attallah had a meeting with Dr. Elie Mikhael, the General Secretary of The Higher Council for Childhood, at the Ministry of Social...

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January 16, 2012
Teach a Child Meets the Minister of Social Welfare

Mrs Zeina El Khalil, Mrs Ghada Abou Alwan Attallah, Mrs Tala Saad and Mrs Maha Sayegh had a meeting with Minister Wael Abou Faour at the Ministry of Social Welfare. The meeting was part of Teach A...

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January 6, 2012
Teach a Child Visits the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities

Teach A Child's Zeina El Khalil, Ghada Atallah and Yasmine Ariss had a meeting with HE General Marwan Charbel at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities. Mrs Zeina El Khalil, Mrs Ghada Abou...

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January 1, 2012
BLOM Beirut Marathon 2012

Teach A Child participated in the 10th edition of BLOM Beirut Marathon.

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2011 News

December 31, 2011
Teach A Child's Gift Boxes

On the occasion of the New Year, Teach A Child prepared a gift box for each of the families we have helped. They were filled by donations from friends of Teach A Child.

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November 27, 2011
BLOM Beirut Marathon 2011

Teach A Child participated in the ninth edition of BLOM Beirut Marathon 2011. More than 32,000 runners from more than 80 countries participated in the full slate events. Many participants from all...

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November 15, 2011
Teach a Child Meets the Minister of Education and Higher Education

Teach A Child held a meeting with HE Minister Diab, at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, in the presence of the Mr. Fadi Yarak, the director general. The main purpose of the visit was...

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November 10, 2011
Teach a Child Visits Depute Bahia Hariri

Mrs Zeina El Khalil, Mrs Nadine Bissat Irani and Mrs Maha Makki visited HE Mrs Bahia Hariri. Her Excellency gave us an overview of what was achieved in the parliament in the field of education, and...

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October 15, 2011
Teach a Child All Over Lebanon

These are the areas where Teach A Child made a difference.

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Student Registration
September 23, 2011
School Visits 2011-2012

During the months of September and October, Teach A Child visited many public schools all over Lebanon, to meet with the principals and register students for 2011-2012.

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August 10, 2011
Teach a Child at the Ministry of Education

Teach A Child had a meeting with Mr. Fadi Yarak the director general of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. During our discussion, Mr. Yarak gave us an overview of the education sector...

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